This Code of Conduct (version 2, 20th July 2022) has been established to set a standard of behaviour and conduct expected of those playing on the Scottish National Tour. As a recent new member of the FIFG we will vigorously follow and adhere to the FIFG rules – ( and all players are expected to know and understand Part 2; Player Code of Conduct during any FootGolf Association of Scotland Event.


The code of conduct is summarised in the six key points below and has been established for the events to be fair and enjoyable for all competitors. Please note that all FIFG rules around conduct apply in each one of our events and players are expected to comply with this.


The fundamental rule is that during the game, respect should always be shown to every player and tournament official without exception.


1. The FootGolf Association of Scotland adopts a strict policy of appropriate behaviour throughout FootGolf tournaments, if found to be involved in any of the below activities the player(s) will be automatically disqualified from the event and subject to future disciplinary action:

  • Possession and/or use of illegal substances during the event including on the premises of the event (includes car parking facilities.)
  • Possession and consumption of alcohol from the start of play until scorecard is submitted
  • Excessive use of alcohol on tournament premises
  • Failure or refusal to enforce rules of FootGolf or cooperate with tournament officials, host staff or competitors including aggressive or abusive behaviour
  • Cheating


2. Players should not distract other competitors, whether in their group or in another group or even when watching a group while not playing themselves. While someone is playing a shot, talking, or moving in the player’s eyeline is a distraction. Cheering is not acceptable when a shot is holed whilst other players are playing shots in nearby groups. The following actions are in violation of the rules and are subject to a penalty (Offence One: +1 kick, Offence Two: DQ)


  • Abusive or threatening behaviour or language, even via social media
  • Throwing or kicking the ball away in anger
  • Wilful and overt destruction, abuse, or vandalism of property, including animal and plant life
  • Continual ignorance of etiquette on the course
  • Smoking, including electronic cigarettes, during tournament play on the course
  • Failure to smooth the bunker after play
  • Listening to music during the game (earphones including)
  • Wearing clothes with logos of FootGolf organization not affiliated to the FIFG


3. Players should not bring the FootGolf Association of Scotland into disrepute through inappropriate behaviour at Tournaments or by posting social media comments which are derogatory or damaging.


4. During a round if a situation arises which cannot be solved by the players’ knowledge, players must consult about it with any tournament authority or any member of the Event Committee. If this is not possible without delaying the game significantly, they shall play both "situations of play" – (play two balls) which means the player should play the situation with and without applying the rule they think covers the controversial aspect. Then they must write down the game situation to later discuss it with tournament officials when presenting the scorecards.


5. The correct footwear to play FootGolf should be exclusively designed for AstroTurf or indoor sport. Golf shoes, shoes designed for traction within sport, and shoes with a strengthened/modified tip are not permitted. Illegal footwear used in play will result in a disqualification.


6. In tournaments, the correct clothing is golf style shorts (shorts or skirt for women) with collar shirt, and long socks which must always be worn to the knee. Golf style shorts are defined as shorts which are either tailored or shorts which have belt loops attached. Weather specific clothes are allowed. Football club clothing is not permitted under any circumstance. A player wearing incorrect footwear or clothing on the course or in the clubhouse may result in disqualification.


7. During all tournaments players must not use any foul and abusive language (includes swearing) whilst live filming is taking place. Any breech of this rule will result in a penalty (First Offence: Warning, 2nd Offence: +1 kick, 3rd Offence: DQ)


The FootGolf Association of Scotland Tournament Committee will give warnings as appropriate to players and administer penalties for breaches of the rules. Players can be penalised for serious misconduct during play or after it. Disciplinary procedure after completion of the round/tournament will be applied as tournament disqualification or a possible ban from competing, loss of entry fee, tournament winnings, or prize fund.


By signing up to any Footgolf Association of Scotland Tour Event, you are agreeing to abide by the above Code of Conduct.